給愛咪的情書--Down the hill

愛咪,我努力在新的一年開始時寫情書給你囉! 同樣的呢,這封情書除了表達我對你的感情之外,也還是一道謎題喔! 如果你猜出答案,就可以獲得超大禮物唷! 再給你提示,答案有八個英文字母喔!

Down the hill of cypress, we walked with silence

Your pink cheeks turned to tears

Slowly you stared up at my eyes

I saw the flame of love, melting my heart

Without you, soul was hollowness

Without you, life flooded with blackness

We walked arm in arm, closely nestled to each other

Looking skyward, your lovely smile was as gorgeous as sunshine forever

